How accountability can transform your business

Running a business can be overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to juggle every responsibility on your own or with limited support. As a business owner myself, I know all too well that it’s common to get caught in a cycle of endless tasks and competing priorities. With no one to hold you accountable, it can […]

Nurturing one of your most important assets: your team

In service-based businesses, your team is your greatest asset. Their dedication, skills, and motivation drive your success. Investing in your team isn’t just about creating a positive work environment; it’s about building the foundation for long-term business success. By understanding the true costs associated with your workforce and prioritising their development and recognition, you can […]

5 tips for building strong financial habits

In the fast-paced world of startups and business growth, building strong financial habits often gets overlooked. Financial habits include consistent behaviours and practices that you regularly undertake to maintain and grow your business. I am a strong believer in cultivating solid financial habits that align with your growth mindset to build and grow a successful […]

Embracing the CFO mindset: a crucial path for every business owner

In the dynamic landscape of business, success isn’t solely defined by innovative products or creative marketing strategies. One often overlooked but fundamentally critical aspect is financial management. As a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) working with many startups, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of adopting a CFO mindset. For business owners, adopting a CFO mindset […]

How to plan for the new financial year (and make it fun!)

As we head into the start of a new financial year, it’s important to take a step back and reflect on the previous year’s financial performance. This is the perfect time to evaluate what worked well, what didn’t, and identify areas for improvement.   Planning can often feel like a daunting task, but it doesn’t […]

Building a lean business

Building a lean business is a popular concept among businesses that want to achieve growth and success while minimising waste and maximising efficiency. In a lean business, the focus is on doing more using fewer resources, reducing costs, and improving overall performance. It’s all about working smarter, not harder! Building a lean business is a […]

How to work smarter, not harder!

Do you feel like the wheels are turning and you are gaining momentum but also as though the handbrake is still partially on and you cannot seem to figure out how to let it go?   All too often I see business owners grinding away, day in and day out, but not making any time […]

The importance of accountability at all stages of business

One of my clients saw a 300% increase in profits over 12 months! Seeing the results that this client is achieving alongside a renewed forward-looking focus to continue reaching their goals is what gets me out of bed in the morning. They never expected to experience that level of growth within such a short period, […]

What is a business mentor?

It can be very lonely running your own business! Have you ever felt like you needed someone to talk to about all the things going on in your business? Maybe you find yourself questioning what you are doing and wondering what to focus on? I know that when I was growing my business, I had […]

Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet

Download the ultimate business checklist for ambitious founders to make sure you’re on the right path to success.

This handy checklist covers all of the key strategies that I support my clients with to create financial growth. It will support you in spotting any gaps in your strategy, and realigning your plan to ensure profitability.

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