Building a lean business
Building a lean business is a popular concept among businesses that want to achieve growth and success while minimising waste and maximising efficiency. In a lean business, the focus is on doing more using fewer resources, reducing costs, and improving overall performance. It’s all about working smarter, not harder! Building a lean business is a […]
How to work smarter, not harder!
Do you feel like the wheels are turning and you are gaining momentum but also as though the handbrake is still partially on and you cannot seem to figure out how to let it go? All too often I see business owners grinding away, day in and day out, but not making any time […]
The importance of accountability at all stages of business
One of my clients saw a 300% increase in profits over 12 months! Seeing the results that this client is achieving alongside a renewed forward-looking focus to continue reaching their goals is what gets me out of bed in the morning. They never expected to experience that level of growth within such a short period, […]
What is a business mentor?
It can be very lonely running your own business! Have you ever felt like you needed someone to talk to about all the things going on in your business? Maybe you find yourself questioning what you are doing and wondering what to focus on? I know that when I was growing my business, I had […]
My top 5 ways to get the most out of your business improvement consultant
Business improvement consultants bring with them a vast background in experience from dealing with many businesses. While every business is unique, there’s not many problems we see that are unique, so we can recognise patterns and will already have a wealth of ideas and resources for dealing with specific issues. It’s our job to compliment your planning and business skills and support you in creating a better business through the success of a business strategy.
Are you breaking down the key targets to achieve business growth?
‘A business is like an automobile: It has to be driven in order to get results.’ – B C Forbes
Taking this even further, in order for the automobile to be driven for performance you also need to know what gear shifts to make and when.
Whilst we continue the quest to reduce costs
If you could reduce costs in your business without cutting your value or service, how would this impact your business sustainability through a downturn or unexpected, uncontrollable change?
“But we’ve always done it that way.” Warning! Warning!
A very wise man Benjamin Franklin once wrote, ‘Remember that time is money.’ This rings true with current business trends when it comes to creating efficiency through automation.
Is your business leading the pack?
When was the last time you looked for opportunities to improve your business? It is incredibly easy to become relaxed and employ a set and forget approach. Could this be causing your business to become stagnant or to get left behind in its industry?
How a business health check can save your cashflow
All too often, I see businesses making tougher decisions than they want to, mostly because cashflow is suddenly and ‘unexplainedly’ tight, even though the business is showing a profit and sales are strong.